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Prefilters for Sharp Image Display

Published in Eurographics 2020, 1900

Image filters which account for the human eye blur, leading to sharper images using intuitive parameters.


An Introduction to 2D Computer Graphics


After finishing the summer course on 2D computer graphics at IMPA, I “compressed” the course content in a 5 day workshop and presented it to my undergrad colleagues with the help of my friend Lucas Torres (who has no personal webpage yet). The workshop covered topics like transformations, texture mapping and Bézier curves in a complete hands-on manner, without diving much into the theoretical aspects of these tools.

Introduction to physically-based rendering


As an undergrad student, I gave a 1h talk on physically-based rendering to other undergrad students, aiming to raise interest not only on rendering itself but also to showcase how cool can the interplay between physics, mathematics and computation can be. The talk covered all the basic concepts behind raytracing, the physics involved, the intuition behind the rendering equation and how the algorithms “map” to those equations.


Teaching experience 1

Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014

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Teaching experience 2

Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015

This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.