Hi! I’m Luis

UPDATE: After a series of disappointing events as a computer science student, I’m done. I found that it doesn’t matter how much I study by myself, if I don’t have a PhD degree from a top-tier university in Europe/NA, people won’t even take their time to look at my CV. Knowing stuff, being a self-learner and loving the subject isn’t enough; one also needs to be born in the right place for things to work out, otherwise your life will be less about learning awesome stuff and more about trying to get a work visa. For me, it makes more sense to read books and papers and learn what I want on my own pace. Luckily, one needs only a computer with a GPU to do graphics.

Hence, I moved away from computer science to pursue my new goal of becoming a psychiatrist - which, believe ir or not, is way simpler than becoming a junior engineer somewhere in the graphics field. My interest for computer science has not vanished - it has even increased a little bit now it became a hobby only.

For now, I’m all about going through high school subjects so I can make it into the medical school.

I earned my bachelor degree in Computer Science from UFRN and my masters from Institute of Informatics at UFRGS, working under the advisal of prof. Eduardo Gastal and prof. Manuel de Oliveira, having worked on image processing. My interests are primarily on computer graphics and light transport simulation, but I’m really interested in anything merging computer science and mathematics/physics.

Contact Info

I’m looking forward for your contact! You can talk to me at luis claudio gouveia rocha at gmail, or any of my social networks listed under my picture. Feel free to speak to me in Portuguese, English or French!